Back to America

I’m on my plane back to the States but I’m not the same woman that left America almost 2 months ago. I’m in touch with self, reunited to the disconnected parts of my personality and overall happier. Being in Australia reminded me of my humanity. I’m more aware of the world now. I really feel alive.

I can’t explain it but I’m enamored with myself now. Before leaving, I had a lot to let go of. I began that process before I left. It turned out to be the beginning. While I was here, it was so much more I left behind. No longer do I get offended about things right away. I recognize opportunities to educate others and to be enlightened. I’m more observant.

I can’t say I’m totally happy to be returning though. I’m happy that I’ll see my family and friends but the freedom, the safety and security I felt in Australia as a Black woman was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

I heard God clearer. I came up with a game plan for my career. I received a strategy that I can apply to any type of situation or goal. And I left behind limiting behaviors and beliefs. My capacity and understanding increased. I spoke up and regained my voice. I treated my body better — walking everywhere and eating more plant-based and raw foods. I also experienced the culture of the vastly diverse population. Seeing people from all over really blew my mind. It was beautiful.

God really showed out with this opportunity. In short it was amazing. I learned to never limit God again and to really declare His word, stand on His promises to me, speak what I seek in faith and thank Him for it. This was the divine recharge I needed. My faith is revitalized and I’m ready to take hold of everything with my name on it.

There is more to life than the day to day. Life is bigger than your immediate community. It’s bigger than your current trials. Keep looking beyond. Be aware of the lessons God seeks to teach you and receive. God is the giver of great gifts. Open your heart to receive them.

Prepare. Position. Press. Day 21 – Overcome By the Power of Your Testimony

We have reached the final day and I am so grateful to you for joining me on this journey. Don’t let your practice of preparing, positioning, and pressing stop here. Now it is time to testify to yourself and others of what God has done for you.

Revelations 12:11 says that "And they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." I have personally experienced victories and seen breakthroughs because I proudly share my testimony. I give glory back to God by acknowledging my successes are due to His hands on my life. Testifying does just that — it glorifies God and gives God the honor as being the source of our breakthrough, our triumph or victory. It recognizes that God empowered you to get through whatever you went through and that it was by His hand that victory finally came. It emphasizes that it was God and you, partnering together.

So on this last email, I encourage you to share your testimony as God leads you, whether on social media, in a face to face conversation or phone. You never know who will be encouraged by your truth and the lessons God taught you. Victory is not just about us as individuals, but about us all. God uses us to share the gospel by sharing our testimonies too. Some people may never know God through the Bible; instead only through what they learn about Him through you.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons you’ve taught me over this last 21 days. I thank You for Your faithfulness and Your goodness. I ask You for courage, wisdom, and discernment to know when to share my testimony. I want to be able to give You the glory and honor due to You. If I need to renew my mind to truly see all You’ve done for me, please do it. If I need to develop the practice of gratefulness so that I can see my blessings, please help me. I want to recognize Your works and Your goodness everywhere I go. I want to be able to encourage others with the victories I have received. I thank You that going forward, I will walk in victory and boldly testify of Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.