The Blessing on The Other Side of Through

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!! Mine was wonderful, truly awesome. I have had a lot of time to reflect on the true meaning of today and what it had meant for me in many ways.

I started today off, just me and my mom. My baby brother, his wife and my niece came on their way to his wife’s parents’ house. Then they left and it was just us. At some point we finally realized we needed to eat, so I went and got us food from Waffle House. Then as I left, I thought about my daddy. I think about him every single day…but today was a little rough. I thought about how different my life would be if he were still alive. I miss him so much!! I really do! But there have definitely been some blessings in our lives since God called him home. Prime example, my two nieces. I don’t think they would have been born if my dad were still alive, at least not as soon as they were. And Hod knows how much they have brightened up my life. They have taught me to love in ways I never imagined I could. They hug me and kiss me and look at me with such beauty in their eyes. It has taught me to keep fighting for their futures and to keep that beauty in their eyes. Also, I wouldn’t have gone to law school at all if not as soon, and maybe I would have never left SC to move to New Orleans. I may have gone to California instead of moving back home to SC after college. I wouldn’t have begun seeking healing for all the things that hurt me…and I wouldn’t have met certain people that have been a part of my life, both seasonal and some long term. I have made some life long friendships since then that I really cherish. I would have never left that box I was living in.

My daddy’s death was a catalyst for me. As a believer I trusted God with my healing process. I reached a critical point and got fed up. So I wasn’t passive about it; I went to group therapy sessions, Celebrate Recovery, and counseling. I pursued God more. I genuinely prayed and believed God would heal me, inside and out. And He has done it in some of the most unexpected ways. He taught me that I can love, and love unconditionally. He taught me to trust Him and use discernment instead of trying to figure it out with my 5 senses. He taught me to live life and to live for Him.

In the almost 6 months that I’ve been back in SC, my life has gone topsy turvy. But I can pinpoint the ignition point to various conversations with my daddy, while here and since he has died. While every selfish part of me wishes he was here, I am grateful for the blessings I’ve received since. It’s an amazing thing to see your progress after heartache. I can’t take any credit. I’m grateful for faith, but I’m grateful to God in whom my faith rests. So I share with you, put all your faith in God and you will get there. You will reach the other side, whatever that looks like. You will heal, you will love. You will succeed. You have to decide trust God until you reach the other side and even after that. Beauty awaits you on the other side of your pain. I can’t tell you what it will look like for you, but I will tell you to press through to get there. God is waiting!


Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31

Hey y’all!!! I hope and pray you’re well and that you’re having an amazing day. This particular topic for today is on my heart to share. I am happily single (depending on the day smh, I have my moments but thank God they are much less frequent), but I try to focus on enjoying those that God has allowed in my space in this season. Yet, a little while ago today, and well honestly this week, I have been getting perspective adjustments. Today’s adjustment focused on the area of dating as a single Christian woman. I’ve read countless books, especially when getting married was all that consumed my thoughts. I asked God about every guy I seriously dated. God had to check me while I was in New Orleans and told me to remain single…so several dating faux pas later, I got the message loud and clear. I had a summer hiccup but ever since, I have finally taken 1 Corinthians 7 to heart. Today it got some fine-tuning.

I share with you a post from Prophetess Tera Carissa that she wrote for Guideposts.

Here are the insights that God has given me today. I realized that I am on my way to thriving in the things that I was born to do, but I have not fully arrived yet…so at this time, marriage is not a concern of mine. When it is time, it will happen. I dare not say I do not wonder when it will happen and who it will be. But I realized today how much I still have to do and I still want to do…and being married or having children any time soon for that matter will probably be a great hindrance to getting them done. I recently had a "Come to Jesus" moment with myself about my ambitions and desires, because I wasn’t sure if I was getting in God’s way with my pursuits. I know that God can and will give me grace for doing all of those things–whether single or married–in that time, but I am going to focus on today. I do not want to leave life with regrets, and there are still a great many things I want to do before I have children. So after reading this today, I was definitely solidified in my plan to move forward.

As I read this post, it gave me comfort to jump feet first into dream chasing. You will not find this explicitly in the Bible, but I have prayed about it a great deal and I think it is essential to loving others as yourself. After God, you have to put you first, love you first, and in doing that, you have to learn to prioritize. It is okay to serve others and want to do things for others, but if you don’t have God’s plans for you on the top of the stack, then you will never be fulfilled. Matthew 6:33 tells us "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." By chasing the dreams God gave me, and pursuing the desires He has put in my heart, I love me so that I can properly love all of you. So I shall wait, and wait in style and grace as I go forward with the next big moves in my life.

I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. 1 Corinthians 7:32